Which pages of a website are the best ones to welcome incoming traffic?
That depends entirely on where the traffic is coming from. The key to landing pages is making sure it's not a bait and switch - in other words, don't set up an email or an ad that speaks to something and then have that take the user to a page with entirely different material. Beyond that, it starts to get into effective page design. Prioritize your content - be clear on what the objective of the page is - and rarely, if ever, have multiple CTAs on a single page.

The best landing page is the one that converts best, right? But it's not always that simple! Relevance is key. You want to give people exactly what they're looking for. Search engines are smart – they want to show users the most relevant content, too. So, content that answers a question perfectly is what drives conversions.
It's a process, though. Like ABM, you can build up to it:
First step: Create one or two great landing pages for all your paid ads. Be super clear about what your product does, what happens when someone signs up, and why they should stick with you.
Second step: Make landing pages for specific keywords or ads. These should match what people searched for. They usually convert better because they're more targeted. You can also make pages for different industries or problems people are trying to solve.
Third step: This is the big one: personalized pages for specific companies. This takes a lot of work from the whole marketing team, not just digital. You're talking about account-based marketing here. You have to really know the company you're targeting. The trick is to be helpful, not creepy!
The best pages to welcome incoming traffic depend on your goals. This will largely be based on how the individual pages are SEO optimized. Generally speaking, these are the pages you’ll find get more traffic:
- Homepage: This page will most likely get the bulk of your branded traffic. It should function as a guide for why users should care and how you can best support them, funneling them to the appropriate next page.
- Landing pages: These pages are more tailored and will most likely outrank other pages for specific queries. The CTA will support the goal of the page.
- Blog: Similar to landing pages, your blog will capture much of the long-tail incoming traffic.
- About us: To build trust and transparency, have a robust about us page that establishes your area of expertise.
- Contact us: Depending on your business, your contact us page allows visitors to have a way to get a hold of you (e.g., support).
Because visitors enter your website from a variety of entry points, you should build every page as though it is an entry point, each with a clear purpose and desired outcome.
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