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What are some examples of "quick wins" you should aim for in the first 90 days?

Mollie Bodensteiner
Engine VP of Revenue Operations | Formerly Sound, Deel, Marketo, SyncariDecember 20

Regarding quick wins in the first 90 days, I think you need to be mindful of what you are trying to deliver. If you come in and start building and delivering to “stop the bleeding” of top priority issues without understanding the business you might end up creating more of a mess in the future (forest and trees).

Instead focus on the first 90 days, really understanding the business, how it operates, what the goals are, what is working well, what is not, etc. and building a realistic plan for delivery in the first 30/60 days and starting to deliver on that plan. The foundational items are going to be key, ensuring have lifecycle, clear KPI definitions, data infrastructure, standard operating procedures, seller processes, etc. are always P1s.

If you are eager for quick wins, look at key business as usual processes that occur on a repeat cadence and tend to be manual and look at how to operationalize those. Anywhere that administrative time can be decreased for items that are stable and repeatable opens up additional bandwidth and are good quick wins for scale.

Zeina Marcotte
LinkedIn Director Sales Strategy and Operations, North America, LTSAugust 20

Quick wins are a great way to boost your confidence and build your credibility early. I would be wary though of jumping the gun too quickly. Ideally, you spend some time learning the business to ensure you are solving the right problems, you don’t want to risk putting your energy and focus behind something that won’t provide long term value or isn’t aligned with the business strategy. Check in with stakeholders and understand if there are any immediate fires that could use your attention, but don’t miss the forest for the trees. You want to ensure that you are setting yourself and your team up for success.

There’s a great HBR article on this that provides a framework for great “collective” quick wins.  Most importantly, ensure that the quick win is urgent, meaningful and will help drive growth or improve efficiency.

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