Product Marketing 30/60/90 Day Plan
What's your best product marketing 30-60-90 day plan to make a big impact?
I'm starting a new job next week! Would love to hear your top tips in general as well as at the director level.
29 Answers
What advice would you give a junior product marketing manager who is the first product marketing hire?
I don't want to just be a launch project manager or a new releases copywriter.
11 Answers
Ahead of getting to the 30/60/90 day plan, what background have you see Jr. PMMs coming from that could make them most successful in the role?
This is in terms of building out a team from being a solo PMM to adding an additional Jr. PMM.
2 Answers
How do I get into a US company from India as a PMM? What are the major skill based requirements?
I have been working as a product marketing manager for the past few months and I feel the PMM role in India is not in a mature state and honestly am extremely exhausted of that immature job role. I am doing A to Z but not able to take ownership on the revenue part as much as I want to or even in the strategic part.
I feel US is a more mature market in this aspect that's why I wanted to know. Thanks!
1 Answer
What traits and skills do you think the best PMMs have?
Please give one real world example
2 Answers
How do I figure out a schedule for our revenue kickoff where marketing, sales, and customer success are all together?
It would be where there are joint-sessions and then separate sessions for each group. I would love to see a sample schedule. I have done FKOs, but not RKOs.
4 Answers
What framework do you use when assessing a new opportunity at a different company?
Some criteria I've used in the past: what problems have I solved that I'm good at and what do I want to solve next, the team makeup, where the role sits in the organization, company culture, and where the product fits in the market
2 Answers