Have any of you been in a scenario when your company was opposed to market research (b/c they thought it would take too long or cost too much money), but you were able to convince them that it was valuable? What steps did you take to convince them of the value?
I've been in this situation before and found a few approaches that work well. For cost concerns, I show how we can start small - even a few hundred dollars can get us solid insights through DIY research. No need to spend thousands right away.
For the "it takes too long" worry, I map out exactly what we'd do week by week. This helps people see that research can happen alongside other work without slowing things down.
What really helps is having someone else in the company (especially in product or sales) who gets the value of research and can back you up. They can share examples of when research helped avoid mistakes or led to better decisions.
It's all about starting small, showing quick wins, and proving that research is worth the investment. Once people see actual results from even a small study, they usually come around to doing more.

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