How is community product marketing manager different from traditional product marketing?
Community Product Marketing puts the community at the center of everything we do (duh). The main difference is that you have to think about your audience both as individuals and as a collective community. What motivates an individual can be (and often is) very different than what motivates the entire community.
An example from Reddit was when we launched a new product, "Images in Comments." This product gave individual commenters the ability to upload images in addition to text in their comment submissions. At first glance, this seems like something you would want to market to those individual commenters. However, due to the community nature of Reddit and our products, Images in Comments was something that we needed entire communities and their moderators to buy into and get excited about. Our job as Community PMM was to make sure that community members and moderators saw the value of adding this new layer of engagement to their subreddits and understood that it could unlock more vibrant comments and introduce an entirely new type of engagement for community members. Thus, our go-to-market campaign for this product focused on ensuring that relevant communities were well-educated on the product's value, had the tools they needed to moderate this new type of engagement, and continued to showcase good examples to other communities to encourage them to adopt the feature.