What is the best platform to showcase your work portfolio if you do not have a webpage?
LinkedIn. I recommend you spend time building a strong profile, use the features to showcase links to your work and take the time to write your bio & description for all of your work experience. While I review resumes during interview processes, I always look people up on Linkedin for more detail.
Another great place to invest is on your Google Search Results themselves. There's a lot you can do to clean those up and make sure that anything you've published comes up when people search your name (or things you don't want to come up are hidden). There's a lot of power in simply making sure your search results are what you want potential hiring managers to see.
I would reframe this question. While high-quality content is important, it’s a means to an end — business impact. Your resume is the best place to show impact. The thing that will make your resume stand out is if you can tie your work to business results. I would focus on that first.
LinkedIn is a great way to give a preview of your business results, and also a good place to put your work if you’ve created public assets (eg demos, webpages, etc) you can link to.
Sometimes hiring managers ask for work samples; you can send those on request via email, without having to create a dedicated space for your portfolio.