Product Management
Product Development

Product Development

Under what circumstances is it worthwhile to pursue a 0-1 product that can be easily duplicated by a large competitor?
Often times, early product start out as features. My worry is that a competitor would just copy us and then wipe us out.
3 Answers
What is your first step in developing a 0-1 product?
I haven't heard the phrase 0-1 products before and would love to learn more about it.
12 Answers
How do you go about brainstorming the right solutions in terms of coming up with user experience to address the validated problems to be solved for users
How and where do you get inspiration to determine how and what types of user experience to be built and fleshing this our in your user stories while writing PRD
4 Answers
How do you measure the performance of the product team, considering only product managers, group product managers and product head?
Some companies go through challenges such as excessive bugs, refactoring, in many cases we have the company pursuing the delivery of short-term projects and sometimes the product team is the driver. Do you believe it is possible to demand performance from a product team based on individual delivery?
1 Answer