How to enable sales team who are not organized by verticals on vertical content?
It can be challenging to enable a sales team that covers multiple verticals or multiple products. A few things that help here:
Limit the P0 priorities for the sales team to 1-2 major programs each quarter. Pick the top couple of programs, incentives, marketing campaigns, hero content etc. and lean heavily into these areas to drive focus. You don't need to ignore the other verticals/products, but this really helps focus training and enablement efforts.
Build modular content and enablement material that can be 70-80% vertical agnostic with slides/stats/case studies etc. that can be slotted in depending on the prospect. This builds rep confidence in the main talk track, but also allows for a flexible conversation.
Prioritize content for the biggest or most important verticals first and build out from there. It's ok for enablement and bill of materials to be iterative and get more vertical specific over time.

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