Sales Career Path
Sales Career Path
Where do you see the future of sales heading?
What skills will a future account executives need that they don't have today?
3 Answers
What are the fundamental differences between an account executive and a senior account executive?
What are some clear indicators that someone is ready to become a senior account exec role and the responsibilities that come with it? And, when in the senior account executive role, what are the key stages that distinguish the different levels of senior account execs.
1 Answer
Do you generally recommend that candidates go 'above and beyond' in preparing for interviews?
For example, putting together 30-60-90 day plans or a report on the company/product and strengths/weaknesses/opportunities to give the interviewer a glimpse into how they think? In which situations do you recommend this approach or not?
3 Answers
If you're new to sales, what's a good way to think about, contextualize, and approach a 30/60/90 plan if you've never done one before?
Also, are there any templates/resources you'd recommend as a jumping-off point?
1 Answer
What type of skill sets and experiences do I need to build in order to strengthen my career and move from being a sales manager to Director level and above?
What type of leadership career tracks do you see people continue their careers?
3 Answers
What advice do you have for those interesting in a company that isn't actively hiring?
Is it wise to proactively reach out to leadership to make your presence known/introduce yourself to others you have not met and try to make yourself the next natural choice?
2 Answers