Melissa Ushakov

AMA: GitLab Group Manager, Product Management, Melissa Ushakov on Growth Product Management

May 9 @ 10:00AM PST
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GitLab Group Manager, Product Management, Melissa Ushakov on Growth Product Management
We will email you Melissa's answers to these questions after the event in case you can't make it.
Questions must be topic related and not promotional. (250 character limit)
Top Questions
How is the role of product growth manager different from other product managers?
What metrics do growth product teams look at to define success? Which do you find to be the most important?
How do you interact with marketing as a growth product manager? How do you split/share KPI’s?
When is the right time to add a growth product manager on the product management team?
What skillsets do you look for in growth product managers?
What KPI's do you share with core product managers? How do you divide responsibilities for these KPI's?
What does the roadmap process look like for growth product teams? And Is it working well?
What's a typical product manager career path?
Can you go over your interactions with other teams (Data, BI, etc...) to obtain the data you need to steer your product? Or do you discover your own data and build your own insights independently?
What tools do you use for measuring product-led growth?
How do you ensure your experiments are not impacted by other improvements done by other teams?
How do you identify which experiments to prioritize first?
What resources would you recommend reading to learn more about product-led growth?
What principles should Growth teams operate using?