Product Marketing
Product Launches
Product Launches
What are some suggestions for preparing a GTM plan particularly for a bundled product launch?
Assume there is an upcoming launch of a new bundled product in the next 4-6 months. The bundled product is composed of 3 products, all of which are also brand new. These 3 subproducts cannot be bought separately - the bundled product is going to be sold as 1 SKU. The 3 new products are also launching at a few different timeframes over the launch. (i.e. one is going GA first, where the other is in beta at that time and will go GA later).
Looking for insights or advice on effectively composing a GTM roadmap and plan that includes each subproduct's GTM plans in the context of the GTM plan of the bundled product.
Thank you!
1 Answer
How important are brand marketing skills for product marketers compared to analytical skills?
There is often a huge emphasis on analytical skills, instead of brand marketing skills, when it comes to product marketing job descriptions.
17 Answers
How do you manage frequent launches without just being noise in the market and to customers?
My product team mainly launches product features and enhancements to existing products.
4 Answers
What do you use for internal Product Launch Process Alignment?
I am looking for a framework to use internally with executive stakeholders to align on a product launch process. Does anyone have a framework they have used successfully?
2 Answers
How do you think of GTM? What does it include, and what does it not include?
As someone who is looking to specialize myself, hoping to align on what GTM means and your responsibilities in a larger org.
5 Answers
What do you think are the most important pillars for B2B Enterprise product GTM strategy?
While planning for a GTM strategy what framework do you suggest should be used? I understand that STP is one of the key aspects, what are the other aspects to put it in place to ensure a solid GTM?
2 Answers
What questions do you ask users when trying to improve user onboarding from a product marketing perspective?
I'm a product marketing who has been tasked with helping to improve the onboarding experience from a product marketing point of view (emails, comms, in app messages. I have a list of new users that haven't returned to the platform and I'd love some thoughts, feedback, and insights from previous experience.
9 Answers
How does a product launch differ depending on the size of the company?
How does a lean small startup launch look different than a product launch at a larger company
6 Answers
How important is market research in a product launch, and what methods do you find most effective?
Can you share an example where market research significantly influenced your launch strategy?
2 Answers
What tactics do you use to effectively incorporate new, creative aspects into product launches that can so easily become routine and mundane?
In the SaaS world especially, I feel like it's easy for PMMs to fall into the pattern of checking off the "traditional" product launch activity boxes. This may be because of limited bandwidth and resources or restricted budget, which can ultimately keep PMMs doing the same things that have previously worked. For me, this has often stunted my creative aspirations, and led me to feel more like a project manager than a standout Product Marketer.
6 Answers
How do you think about bundling or 'holding' launches for a regular launch cadence vs releasing when ready?
What approaches have you tried, and did they work? How did you get buy in from the product team?
10 Answers