Product Marketing
Sales Enablement
Sales Enablement
Over your career, what best practices can you share with working with the sales team?
More specifically:
who are you speaking with? how often?
what are sales teams typically asking for? what types of things can you deliver on/what types of things are not feasible?
what steps do you take to keep things productive? what types of situations are not productive?
4 Answers
How to track sales collateral usage, asking for advice and feedback
I’m looking at developing my own google docs addon to track and analyze docs (sales enablement) usage. I’ve looked into tools like Highspot, Klue etc.. but these are tough times to get budget for this sort of tooling. Which are the must-haves for you when it comes to track usage? what questions are you trying to answer?
1 Answer
How do you get input from Sales on marketing content ideas and feedback?
Some of the best marketing ideas for content come from the sales team.
5 Answers
How to enable sales team who are not organized by verticals on vertical content?
Vertical agnostic sales teams are stretched too thin when it comes to focusing on multiple verticals. Delivering multiple industry positioning sessions has a low ROI. How to improve this?
1 Answer
How do you fight a price war with positioning/messaging? Can you even?
Often my sales team goes up against competition that undercuts our pricing and heavily so. The buying decision quickly comes down to "who's proffering the cheapest price" -- platform value communication is rarely successful. How does one navigate this situation/How have you?
1 Answer
How does sales enablement change when your company is b2d (business to developer) vs traditional enterprise?
What should I do differently? Developers do not want to be sold to.
15 Answers