Product Marketing
Market Research
Market Research
How important is market research in a product launch, and what methods do you find most effective?
Can you share an example where market research significantly influenced your launch strategy?
1 Answer
What's your best product marketing 30-60-90 day plan to make a big impact?
I'm starting a new job next week! Would love to hear your top tips in general as well as at the director level.
28 Answers
How do you separate out your competitive positioning for two different plans of your product, while keeping a unified view, if the plans serve different customer segments?
For example - Shopify Plus and Shopify (core)
4 Answers
Is competitive positioning an output of a feature or a marketing story?
I see a lot of battles between start-ups about similar features/products; I myself have tried to position our product with a differentiated story not always backed by features.
What's the ideal approach? Where does one draw the line?
5 Answers
2 Answers
How do you approach creating messaging that effectively differentiates your product from competitors?
Both when you can influence the product or have to work with existing differentiators.
1 Answer
How can I get started in setting up Product Marketing w/in my organization?
Product Marketing is new to our organization. A lot of folks don't understand the role. Additionally, it's very difficult to identify metrics for this function. What do you recommend in terms of how to earn buy-in, as well as where to start in the beginning to be able to add value?
1 Answer
How do i use multiple customer quotes and case study stats to create a 2 pager sales enablement asset?
Im not sure how i can structure this document, but i have (numbers) on how our product benefited the customer and why they chose us over a competitor and multiple quotes from different customers. What is the best way to tell a story?
9 Answers
How do you handle the tradeoff between addressing many needs for one vertical vs. addressing 1-2 needs for multiple verticals?
We are a B2B company with a horizontal platform considering vertical expansion, and trying to decide which new verticals to enter.
4 Answers
Over your career, what best practices can you share with working with the sales team?
More specifically:
who are you speaking with? how often?
what are sales teams typically asking for? what types of things can you deliver on/what types of things are not feasible?
what steps do you take to keep things productive? what types of situations are not productive?
1 Answer
How have you managed to curate and centralize customer comments, queries and complaints so that it becomes actionable to you as a product marketer?
We have various customer-facing teams that communicate with customers each and every day. Unfortunately, they all have different processes and therefore customer comments and questions are not organized in a centralized location. Some use Salesforce to track items, others just keep communications within their emails, and some do not track these comments and questions at all.
Looking to see how you handle this for inspiration and/or ideas.
2 Answers
How do you collect, analyze and share your customer feedback?
I feel like my customer feedback is scattered throughout surveys, Google docs, Google sheets, Salesforce, and Slack...
It's pretty tough to get an over-arching view of my customer feedback on an on-going basis. Do you use any tools or have advice on how to collect, analyze and share your customer feedback?
4 Answers