Product Marketing
Product Marketing Specializations

Product Marketing Specializations

What messaging framework do you use?
Would love frameworks to share.
15 Answers
Since payments are not like SaaS, where you are selling a subscription, how does your product marketing team define success?
Are you looking at things like adoption? If so, how do you work towards that or other success metrics?
2 Answers
How does your platform and solutions PMMs collaborate with product-focused PMMs?
I'm the first product marketer focused on a specific industry across our entire platform while the majority of the team is focused on specific product(s) and/or sales segment.
5 Answers
How do you handle the tradeoff between addressing many needs for one vertical vs. addressing 1-2 needs for multiple verticals?
We are a B2B company with a horizontal platform considering vertical expansion, and trying to decide which new verticals to enter.
4 Answers
How do you enable your sales team when the product teams decide to introduce a new product that targets a different persona, from your traditional buyer?
Would love to get your perspective on generating excitement around your new product, vs. continuous enablement on the core capabilities of your solutions
7 Answers
How have you managed to curate and centralize customer comments, queries and complaints so that it becomes actionable to you as a product marketer?
We have various customer-facing teams that communicate with customers each and every day. Unfortunately, they all have different processes and therefore customer comments and questions are not organized in a centralized location. Some use Salesforce to track items, others just keep communications within their emails, and some do not track these comments and questions at all. Looking to see how you handle this for inspiration and/or ideas.
2 Answers
What are potential career paths after Product Marketing?
I've spent ~4 years doing Product Marketing at different Fortune 100 companies and wanted to know what are potential career growth opportunities beyond PMM. Almost everybody I know stays in PMM and continues on into leadership or goes into Product. What else is out there?
3 Answers
How do you manage the transition from being the sole person responsible for product marketing activities to now having someone else who can share the burden?
One of the biggest changes when managing people and a team is handing off the responsibility to others. This is tough to do when you're so used to handling everything yourself. Any tips or suggestions on how to best make that transition?
5 Answers
What are the key differences between SaaS pricing and consumer software pricing?
Specifically the differences in: objectives, unique challenges, processes and approaches, data and tools, and success metrics. Greatly appreciated your insights!
1 Answer
What can I include in my marketing portfolio to standout from the crowd as a product marketing candidate.
I'm new to Product Marketing. In the interviews that I've done, I am being asked to present a marketing portfolio.
16 Answers
What should a new product marketing lead prioritize when 'inheriting' a new team?
Our PMM team has been a lean mean delivering machine. Now, due to organizational changes, I'm set to take the lead of our team. What do I need prioritize in a product marketing leadership role to ensure we continue delivering at the same pace, if not better. Can you recommend any resources that could help in the transition from IC to leadership?
1 Answer
How would you differentiate a mature enterprise product that is similar to competitive products?
We're struggling to find value added differentiators for one of our products that has been around for 20+ years, for which we've historically been recognized as a market leader. Currently we're losing ground because it's very similar to competitor offerings but at 2x the price. What approach would you recommend from product marketing perspective to to drive sales?
1 Answer
What metric, goal or KPI can you put on providing competitive intelligence to the company or product teams?
I work in a company that measures the impact of all projects, but admittedly this is a difficult area to track. Would love to any suggestions/thoughts.
15 Answers
What kind of PMM organizational structure is ideal for ensuring that PMMs are set up for success (in this case, to influence the Product roadmap)?
For eg: Should PMMs be aligned with PMs (we have a 3:1 mapping), or should PMMs be aligned with the market/buyer persona or something else?
5 Answers