Customer Success
Customer Success Career Path
Customer Success Career Path
What are some of the core data points that you track regularly as a Director?
Is there a particular area of data that you zoned in on to help increase your teams ARR contribution?
1 Answer
Where do you see the future of customer success heading?
What skills will a future customer success manager need that he/she doesn't have today?
5 Answers
3 Answers
Do you generally recommend that candidates go 'above and beyond' in preparing for interviews?
In which situations do you recommend this approach or not?
3 Answers
What are the key questions you like to ask and why?
How would the proper answers to your questions look like?
2 Answers
If you're new to customer success, what's a good way to think about, contextualize, and approach a 30/60/90 plan if you've never done one before?
Also, are there any templates/resources you'd recommend as a jumping-off point?
2 Answers