LaShaun Williams

AMA: Observable VP, Marketing, LaShaun Williams on Release Marketing

May 9 @ 10:00AM PST
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Observable VP, Marketing, LaShaun Williams on Release Marketing
Top Questions
LaShaun Williams
LaShaun Williams
Observable VP, MarketingMay 9
We communicate updates and progress two ways. For each launch, we create a Slack channel specific to that launch and the people directly involved in decision-making and execution. Whether it is private or public depends on the culture of your organization. We also have a public marketing Slack ch......Read More
2 requests
LaShaun Williams
LaShaun Williams
Observable VP, MarketingMay 9
Yes, I do. We continue to tweak and refine it. The document serves as the single source of truth and artifact for each launch. Here's what in it: Strategy * Product/feature/capability narrative: A short story that provides context into the why behind the release. * Product/feature/capabil......Read More
2 requests
LaShaun Williams
LaShaun Williams
Observable VP, MarketingMay 9
I really enjoyed launching branching and merging at Figma. It's a technical feature that is challenging to build as well as communicate to a non-developer audience. Both the product and marketing teams worked hard to simplify the complexity of the feature in experience and messaging. It was a two......Read More
3 requests
LaShaun Williams
LaShaun Williams
Observable VP, MarketingMay 9
This is where tiering comes in handy. We adjust the depth and breadth of GTM plans based on the estimated impact of the launch. We also decouple product launches from product releases. For example, some small launches are bundled into a larger themed launch, which may happen after some of the fea......Read More
2 requests
How do you manage the internal communication of releases?
Any tips for this to happen recurrently and clearly for all stakeholders who need to know this information in advance?
LaShaun Williams
LaShaun Williams
Observable VP, MarketingMay 9
I segment communications into three audiences: 1. Product management 2. Project DRIs (Directly Responsible Individuals, typically marketing team members) 3. Leadership Communication with product managers driving particular features or areas of the product occurs regularly, typically ......Read More
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