Matt Hummel

AMA: Pipeline360 Vice President of Marketing, Matt Hummel on Customer Marketing Strategy

March 12 @ 10:00AM PST
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Pipeline360 Vice President of Marketing, Matt Hummel on Customer Marketing Strategy
Top Questions
Matt Hummel
Matt Hummel
Pipeline360 Vice President of MarketingMarch 12
You should be looking at leading and lagging indicators to determine future success. Net-Retention Rate (NRR): the best metric to determine if you're growing your existing customers Net-Promoter Score (NPS): if done right, a great way to get a pulse on the satisfaction of your customers Heal......Read More
2 requests
Matt Hummel
Matt Hummel
Pipeline360 Vice President of MarketingMarch 12
This is a tough question, as it depends. For example, what is your growth strategy for the year? What percentage of your revenue are you expecting from existing customers and what type of motions are needed to drive that growth? Based on that, you can determine the right budget. With that said......Read More
1 request
How do I get started with customer segmentation?
We currently send the same messaging to all of our customer base and I want to move to more of a personalized approach.
Matt Hummel
Matt Hummel
Pipeline360 Vice President of MarketingMarch 12
I love this question! Think about your customers in the same way you are hopefully thinking about your prospects. Understanding their needs, pain points, growth opportunities, etc. With that said, I recommend starting by separating your customers into a few buckets - 1) what product do they own? ......Read More
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Matt Hummel
Matt Hummel
Pipeline360 Vice President of MarketingMarch 12
100%. Customers are 100% your most important market. So why wouldn't you leverage an effective approach such as ABM. Just because someone is already a customer doesn't mean they will be one forever, or that they are currently buying all they could from you. Just like ABM into prospects, there ......Read More
2 requests
Matt Hummel
Matt Hummel
Pipeline360 Vice President of MarketingMarch 12
I'd recommend two things - 1) set up a dedicated slack channel that captures these notes. Whether it's a product enhancement request, a complaint, or a kudos - make this channel dedicated to customer/product feedback. Second, you need to implement a process by which this is discussed. That cou......Read More
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