Brian Tino

AMA: InVision Vice President, Global Sales, Brian Tino on Sales Interviews

June 29 @ 10:00AM PST
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InVision Vice President, Global Sales, Brian Tino on Sales Interviews
Top Questions
Brian Tino
Brian Tino
AlphaSense Director of Strategic Sales, EMEAJune 29
From my experience, most candidates coming into an interview put their best foot forward and perform well, however, here are some of the most common pitfalls before, during, and after a sales interview... 1) Lack of Preparation - candidates who have not done even surface level research on the ......Read More
3 requests
Brian Tino
Brian Tino
AlphaSense Director of Strategic Sales, EMEAJune 29
One of the most important ways to help you stand out during a sales interview is to come into that interview well researched & prepared on the following: * The company & product * The interviewer * Your personal narrative * Relevant questions 1) Researching the company & product - be......Read More
2 requests
Brian Tino
Brian Tino
AlphaSense Director of Strategic Sales, EMEAJune 29
Personally my favorite interview question, which I ask all of my hires from SDRs/BDRs to Sales Directors, is: "Of everything in your life (professionally, personally, academically, athletically, artistically, etc.), what do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?" Of the hundreds o......Read More
2 requests
Brian Tino
Brian Tino
AlphaSense Director of Strategic Sales, EMEAJune 29
You can usually gauge autonomy in a sales interview through the questions you ask while speaking to 1) the hiring manager and 2) members of the interview team who are currently in the role you are interviewing for. 1) Questions you can ask the hiring manager to gauge autonomy: * How would ......Read More
1 request
Do you generally recommend that candidates go 'above and beyond' in preparing for interviews?
For example, putting together 30-60-90 day plans or a report on the company/product and strengths/weaknesses/opportunities to give the interviewer a glimpse into how they think? In which situations do you recommend this approach or not?
Brian Tino
Brian Tino
AlphaSense Director of Strategic Sales, EMEAJune 29
YES! I highly encourage candidates go "above and beyond" in preparing for interviews, because the interview is your opportunity to show the best version of yourself, and I want to build a team of incredible salespeople who are willing to do "above and beyond" for our clients and prospective clien......Read More
1 request
What advice do you have for those interesting in a company that isn't actively hiring?
Is it wise to proactively reach out to leadership to make your presence known/introduce yourself to others you have not met and try to make yourself the next natural choice?
Brian Tino
Brian Tino
AlphaSense Director of Strategic Sales, EMEAJune 29
If you're interested in a company (even if they are not actively hiring), I would recommend starting to build relationships and delivering value without expectation. That includes: 1) Connecting with members of the team - research key members of the team on LinkedIn (execs, managers, peers, ke......Read More
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