Product Marketing Interviews
What technical questions can we expect for product marketing interviews?
e.g. do we need to do a case study, draw insights from looking at data, etc.
4 Answers
How does a strong candidate differentiate themselves in an interview?
Are there common traits or behaviours between candidates that get you extremely excited?
1 Answer
How do make sure the resume appeals to the hiring manager for a product marketing role?
Should I just use one general resume or are there different versions of it?
4 Answers
How do you showcase to interviewers your work in messaging and positioning, without actually showing documented work?
Also, how to actually show its success, as this is something that may take awhile before seeing a growth trend and can you directly actually attribute a particular success metric on messaging?
12 Answers
If you're trying to make a pivot into product marketing, what advice do you have for highlighting transferrable skills and addressing gaps?
My most recent experience is doing partner marketing at Toast, which was on the same team as product marketing, doing partner product launches, running our partner program, doing sales enablement, and planning/executing campaigns. I have experience in content marketing at Tripadvisor (where I helped grow product adoption of a new product), and project management experience at the WiMAX Forum (where I empowered member companies like Hitachi, Siemens, GE, and more to bring WiMAX technologies to market as part of their product offerings).
3 Answers
How can I improve my interviewing skills for a product marketing role?
I had my first interview in a long time recently and fumbled my way through it. How can I get better for next time?
8 Answers
What is the best way to prepare a mock Go-To-Market plan for a product in a very precise and concise way, when asked in an interview?
I usually come across an interview round wherein I am handed the task of preparing a mock GTM plan for a product. I find it pretty vague as expectations vary widely and I am usually confused about what all to include and how to represent. Is there any example?
13 Answers
What would you rec highlighting in prod mar portfolio and what would make a candidate stand out to you?
Writing samples? Case studies?
9 Answers
How do you enable your teams to win when faced with other competitors in your space?
Which materials/key points/key themes you work on for them to know how to show your tool is better that the competitors'?
2 Answers