Demand Generation KPI's

5 Answers
Sheena Sharma
Sheena Sharma
Heap Vice President, Marketing Acquisition & GrowthAugust 25
* Quarterly/annual OKRs: * In an ideal world, you have a joint financial planning process between demand gen + Sales that outlines the sales bookings targets you need to hit for the year, and then broken down by quarter. * From there, say your quarterly sales bookings plan......Read More
2 Answers
Sheena Sharma
Sheena Sharma
Heap Vice President, Marketing Acquisition & GrowthAugust 25
* This is another great question! * I think there a few categories of KPIs where you should be wary: * (1) KPIs or metrics that are out of your control. * I fully believe that marketing and demand generation should be really focused on driving meaningful results for the busi......Read More
Novos modelos de negócio exigem muita venda conceitual, como comprovar resultado se aínda estamos no início do novo produto?
Introduzir tecnogia ao cotidiano.medico na busca por desenvolver uma base de dados que permita leituras menos empíricas e mais baseados na realidade e oportunidades que aparecem nos dados.
1 Answer
Erika Barbosa
Erika Barbosa
Counterpart Marketing LeadFebruary 24
I believe the question here is: "New business models require a lot of conceptual selling. How can we prove results when we're still at the beginning of the new product?" Based on my understanding of the question, I recommend focusing on experimentation and speaking with your customers. These t......Read More
3 Answers
Sheena Sharma
Sheena Sharma
Heap Vice President, Marketing Acquisition & GrowthAugust 25
* In a self-serve world, you don't have the traditional sales funnel stages of MQL, SAL, SQL and closed/won to manage. You are probably focusing more on things like traffic, sign ups, activations, product engagement and invoices/customers. * The levers you pull here are probably more a......Read More
2 Answers
Sheena Sharma
Sheena Sharma
Heap Vice President, Marketing Acquisition & GrowthAugust 25
* Yes! I actually had this experience for a few years. We had a pretty healthy ad budget as a business, but the focus wasn't specifically on the sales funnel. It was more focused on driving self-serve. My remit was driving pipeline for the sales organization, so we had to get smart abou......Read More