
Where does in-app copy fit in your org? (Under Product Marketing, Design or other?)
Particularly interested in technical products, but also curious for nontechnical.
14 Answers
How do you communicate product marketing achievements upwards and build visibility?
It can sometimes be a struggle for those on the executive team, or in higher leadership roles, to see the value that product marketing is bringing to the business - especially if they do not have regular interaction. How do you build visibility for you and/or your team, and clearly communicate the achievements and activities throughout the year?
19 Answers
What are the best practices that you have employed to create a closed-loop product messaging?
Messaging that is not just in one silo of the org. but goes through demand gen. campaigns and ISR/SDR pitches. Gather feedback from MQL, SQL's and pipeline generated from that messaging and finally use those insights to appropriately tweak the messaging.
5 Answers
How do you define messaging at your company?
At my company, the term gets thrown around vaguely and broadly and while mainly owned by PMM, sometimes it is "owned" by Content or Enablement so it gets confusing. I'm curious how each of you define it and how you have successfully defined it more concretely, so that it is clear what Product Marketing owns when it comes to messaging.
1 Answer
How do you approach messaging for things that might not excite the customer?
For example, when needing to communicate a price increase or end-of-life message?
1 Answer
Can you share your tips on making a great analyst briefing deck?
I'm about to make my companies first analyst briefing deck. I've made them in the past but want to make a really kick ass one this time around.
7 Answers
How important are brand marketing skills for product marketers compared to analytical skills?
There is often a huge emphasis on analytical skills, instead of brand marketing skills, when it comes to product marketing job descriptions.
16 Answers
15 Answers
How can a PMM effectively approach product marketing when the primary focus is not on a tangible product, but rather on intangible factors such as safety and reputation management?
This fintech company wants to boost its brand awareness for its products around safety. The goal is to articulate and drive marketing strategies to promote the positive impact of their brand and build up trust.
1 Answer
How do you best structure and leverage beta releases to assist the product team (with iteration, feedback) and Product Marketing (positioning, messaging, enablement, onboarding)?
How do you collect information from users and disseminate between teams? What does an ideal timeline for a beta look like?
7 Answers
How do you split the PMM function vs general marketing function responsibilities, and how do you better manage this relationship?
Not to create divide or silos, but to be able to handover ownership at a certain stage whilst remaining involved
4 Answers