Consumer Product Marketing

20 Answers
Gregg Miller
Gregg Miller
PandaDoc VP of Product Marketing & BrandOctober 9
At Zapier I approached this by starting with a mission statement to describe why our team exists and the work we aim to uniquely do for the company: “PMM exists to maximize Zapier’s market opportunities by (1) clarifying where we win and (2) driving GTM strategy for product success.” I then defin......Read More
17 Answers
Gregg Miller
Gregg Miller
PandaDoc VP of Product Marketing & BrandOctober 9
30 days: Balance being an absolute sponge and learning by doing. Be a sponge by reading every doc you can get your hands on (enablement materials, case studies, team quarterly/annual plans, research studies, etc.), talking to as many prospects and customers as possible, and scheduling 1:1s with b......Read More
10 Answers
Jennifer Ottovegio
Jennifer Ottovegio
Narvar Fmr Director of Product MarketingOctober 18
I believe that the person ultimately responsible for the results, will most incentivized to succeed. So it comes down to ensuring incentives are aligned and expectations and responsibilities are clear.   For every product or feature launch, I create a go-to-market checklist that includes timeli......Read More
13 Answers
Christy Roach
Christy Roach
AssemblyAI VP of MarketingOctober 9
Everyone’s definition of soft and hard skills differs, but here are the nine skills that I think are the most important for a product marketer to have. I've used these skills as a compass to help me grow in my own career and have turned them into a success guide for my team at Envoy to use: Soft......Read More
4 Answers
Mike Polner
Mike Polner
Discord Head of MarketingDecember 13
This is a great question. I would zoom out and think more holistically about how to approach career advice and what I tell people looking to get into Product Marketing overall.  I usually approach significant career transitions or moves in two-steps. Sometimes, people see the next job and say ......Read More
9 Answers
Emily Rugaber
Emily Rugaber
Thanx VP of Marketing (previously Head of Product Marketing)July 6
- It's all about being able to tell a story about how your previous experience tracks to what you want to do - B2B and B2C are converging a bit so I think the skills are definitely transferrable. It might be hard to move from the far end of the spectrum all the way to the other far end - What det......Read More
11 Answers
Carrie Zhang
Carrie Zhang
Square Product LeadNovember 17
Great question. I always tell my team that as product marketers we are the bridge between product development and the broader marketing & sales teams. We focus relationship building and collaboration in 3 areas: 1. Product (development) team. At Square PMMs are embedded within the product t......Read More
3 Answers
Hege Thorbjornsen Starling
Hege Thorbjornsen Starling
hims & hers Director of Product Marketing & DevelopmentJune 15
In general I think there is a lot of overlap in the fundamental skill set needed between the two roles even though they operate differently. In consumer product marketing you’re targeting the end-user with your offering/product. In B2B you’re targeting other companies with your offering/product w......Read More
1 Answer
Lindsay (Saran) Gatta
Lindsay (Saran) Gatta
Bumble Head of Product Marketing, Bumble For FriendsJanuary 24
Here are some I like: -What's good product you believe is marketed poorly? -What's a product you believe is not a market category leader but is because of its marketing? -Tell me about the last time you promoted someone on your team. What was that process like? -What inspired you to pursue a ......Read More
7 Answers
Mike Polner
Mike Polner
Discord Head of MarketingDecember 13
Highlighted this one in another question, so will point you there, but overall, yes - we break PMM responsibilities down by audience. Some PMMs will work only on Consumer and some only on Restaurant for example. In a three-sided marketplace, there is naturally a ton of organic collaboration acros......Read More