Product Marketing
Sales Enablement
Sales Enablement
How do i use multiple customer quotes and case study stats to create a 2 pager sales enablement asset?
Im not sure how i can structure this document, but i have (numbers) on how our product benefited the customer and why they chose us over a competitor and multiple quotes from different customers. What is the best way to tell a story?
9 Answers
How do you enable your sales team when the product teams decide to introduce a new product that targets a different persona, from your traditional buyer?
Would love to get your perspective on generating excitement around your new product, vs. continuous enablement on the core capabilities of your solutions
7 Answers
How do you ensure that your reps are all singing the same tune when the jargon in your industry is constantly changing?
I'm in Fintech, a world of ever evolving nomenclature - i feel like there is new jargon every day.
4 Answers
How do you enable sales reps to sell higher priced packages vs your lower priced offerings?
Our lower priced offerings seem to be the biggest competitors of our enterprise packages.
6 Answers
How do you assess which sales enablement materials are the most effective?
As B2B product marketers we want to be able to identify which sales enablement assets (i.e. one pagers, pitch decks, etc) are the most impactful to guide future resoure investment decisions but oftentimes tracking of these materials can be challenging since it frequently requires manual tracking on the part of the sales team.
7 Answers
What advice do you have for navigating multiple stakeholders with conflicting feedback when creating sales enablement?
I have one stakeholder who really should only be an inform but is acting like a decision-maker, and the conflicting feedback I'm getting is prolonging the creation process 5x. I've also got a design team that needs a lot of handholding, which is difficult for me since it's not my specialty.
7 Answers
How do you tailor B2B buyer personas when your product spans multiple industry verticals?
The product in question is related to energy management and caters to diverse verticals such as agriculture, paper production, and crypto mining. While typically a PMM would craft distinct buyer personas for the purchase journey, handling multiple verticals might result in around 15 personas, which is too much. How do you approach buyer personas in this case? Are personas still essential in this case?
1 Answer
What is your approach to building, managing, and using competitive intel for product/ sales/ marketing strategies without dedicated resources?
For companies without dedicated resources for competitive intel/ analysis, how do you ensure its contribution to product development and/ or sales & marketing strategies? How should this be regularly practiced/ managed by PMMs?
2 Answers