Product Marketing KPI's

20 Answers
Gregg Miller
Gregg Miller
PandaDoc VP of Product Marketing & BrandOctober 8
At Zapier I approached this by starting with a mission statement to describe why our team exists and the work we aim to uniquely do for the company: “PMM exists to maximize Zapier’s market opportunities by (1) clarifying where we win and (2) driving GTM strategy for product success.” I then defin......Read More
17 Answers
Gregg Miller
Gregg Miller
PandaDoc VP of Product Marketing & BrandOctober 8
30 days: Balance being an absolute sponge and learning by doing. Be a sponge by reading every doc you can get your hands on (enablement materials, case studies, team quarterly/annual plans, research studies, etc.), talking to as many prospects and customers as possible, and scheduling 1:1s with b......Read More
What does your product marketing team org structure look like?
Do you simply have Product Marketers by product/portfolio? Do you have a release communications manager? Someone in sales enablement? What other roles exist in your product marketing teams today?
13 Answers
Kristen Ribero
Kristen Ribero
Greenplaces VP MarketingJuly 18
In my experience, it varies based on your product portfolio/customer segments... When my company had only 1 product we were separated by function (i.e. pricing/packaging, sales enablement, product launches, market research, etc.), but in other companies we were focused on segment (enterprise ......Read More
2 Answers
Kevin Wu
Kevin Wu
Airtable Former Sr Director Product MarketingMarch 2
We use OKRs at Airtable and we align OKRs from the top to bottom with an app built on Airtable (of course). Every PMM works on objectives that ladder up to marketing OKRs which in turn ladder up to corporate OKRs. Pretty standard stuff and we find that it works well for us. Not every company work......Read More
11 Answers
Gregg Miller
Gregg Miller
PandaDoc VP of Product Marketing & BrandFebruary 11
In an ideal world product and product marketing should be embedded in one another’s efforts from start to finish (see my other response on “customer needs” and getting PMM further upstream). In this world product marketing has played an active role in helping set the vision for the feature, doing......Read More
1 Answer
Jodi Innerfield
Jodi Innerfield
Salesforce Senior Director, Product Marketing Launch Strategy & Emerging ProductsMarch 20
There's two big challenges when implementing KPIs for PMM: * Attribution * Reporting You need to be able to properly attribute KPIs to the work a PMM does. Unlike sales where it's pretty clear that AE Alvin closed Deal Delta, marketing efforts can be a little more nuanced to attribute to a......Read More
5 Answers
Leah Brite
Leah Brite
Gusto Head of Product Marketing, EmployersSeptember 30
I’d keep an eye on all the indicators - leading and lagging. For leading, do your campaign metrics indicate that people are interested and engaged? How is this helping you fill your funnel? Can you use technology like Gong, which records and transcribes sales conversations, to track keywords ass......Read More
4 Answers
Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of MarketingJanuary 26
Such is life in business? At the risk of sounding like a corporate stiff, we must set markers to swim towards, otherwise we're just swimming in circles... So if the KPI feels arbitrary, narrow the scope or make the number smaller. If other stakeholders disagree, that's a different problem to solv......Read More
3 Answers
Jack Wei
Jack Wei
Sendbird Head of MarketingJanuary 26
Maybe this is a better question for my team.  For me, I think it's the opposite. KPIs are valuable for me as a PMM because, through all the noise and new requests/projects that I inevitably get in a specific period of time, I can pull my head out of the weeds and make sure I'm moving towards tha......Read More
3 Answers
Grant Shirk
Grant Shirk
Cisco Head of Product Marketing, Cisco Campus Network ExperiencesJuly 6
There are two questions buried in here.  If you are truly in a situation where your leadership doesn't understand the impact of Product Marketing, are you in the right position? Product Marketing is challenging enough when you have buy-in and support from your leaders. I'd question why this is......Read More